Rising Ocean Temperatures Could Cause Dangerous Drop in Oxygen Levels by Next Century

Rising Ocean Temperatures Could Cause Dangerous Drop in Oxygen Levels by Next Century

In all of the discussions on global warming and the resulting global ocean temperature increase, the major focus has been on the possibility of flooding wreaking havoc on our ecosystems and landmasses. However, it seems an even deadlier danger has now been discovered.



(Not quite.)

Sergei Petrovskii, a professor at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, has just found that a rise of just six degrees celsius in ocean temperatures could result in phytoplankton stopping their production of oxygen. This is really bad news, because roughly two-thirds of the planet’s total oxygen is created by phytoplankton. Making matters worse, a rise of six degrees could happen by 2100 – less than a century away. Petrovskii was quoted saying, “This would likely result in the mass mortality of animals and humans.” Let me put that into layman’s terms:




The findings couldn’t have been more timely, as the United Nations is set to meet at the Paris Climate Change Conference from November 30 to December 11, where a universal agreement on action for climate change is trying to be reached. Obviously this discovery will have massive implications for the meeting, but what type of implications will it have on regular members of society? Climate change has continuously had those who disregard it or consider it to not be an issue; will a clear threat of the suffocation of a planet be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

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(Party like it’s 2115!!!)


You can read more about the study in the University of Leicester’s press release, where the link to the findings in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology is posted as well.